5 out of 4 People Know Their Place:
Effectively Teaching Fractions, Decimals, and Place Value
SATURDAY, March 9, 2024
Please register by March 7, 2024
Printable Description of Training
How would you like to earn a little extra credit?
We will now offer you the opportunity to come early (8 AM) and stay late (3:30 PM) to earn and learn a little more! During our “Coffee Chats” at 8 AM, we will go over resources that are available for your class. In the afternoon at “Happy 1/2 Hour”, we will discuss any issues you may be having and problem solve. The additional time is voluntary, but eligible teachers can earn extra money and additional in-service points.
Training Description:
Does your class treat fractions, decimals, and place value like a bottle of poison? In this session, we will explore how to make math friendlier and more memorable for your students. Please join our session 5 out of 4 People Know Their Place: Effectively Teaching Fractions, Decimals, and Place Value so your students can understand fractions, decimals, and place values and be able to utilize them.
Learning Intentions:
- Identify the differences between teaching exposure and teaching mastery of fractions, decimals, and place value (hereafter called FDPV).
- Explore ways to incorporate the math concepts of FDPV beyond the math period.
- Cultivate a math mindset within the classroom.
- Adjust a current lesson plan to include teaching an aspect of FDPV next school week.
- Develop a bank of activities and strategies to enhance the mastery of FDPV.
- Eligible teachers get paid $25.00 an hour for attendance plus in-service points.
- Additional ESE certification points can be earned through a follow-up assignment.
- Ongoing support for implementation through ConnectedClass.com is available for site-licensed schools.
Who should attend?
- Any teacher who wants their students to master the concepts of FDPV
- Any teacher looking to make math more user-friendly and to build a math mindset
- Any administrator who looks to see gains in the math achievement test scores