Pack Your Bags: Iowa, Let’s Take a R.I.D.E.
2024 Instructional Leadership Institute
ILI 2024 Overview
Iowa ILI Training Description
Monday, June 3 thru Wednesday, June 5, 2024
8:00 AM – 3:30 PM
Registration extended through May 29th!
Join us on a virtual road trip to gain a greater understanding of your current student performance and the overall achievement of your campus over time. This year’s Instructional Leadership Institute is different than in years past. This year, your team will take a three-day road trip. We will analyze the data from BOTH ELA and MATH in the same sessions. We trust this will maximize the team’s efforts and bring strong results as well as the development of a cohesive plan for your school’s specific needs toward further student success.
Your Iowa R.I.D.E. takes place: Monday-Wednesday, June 3 – 5, 2024, 8:00 am – 3:30 pm.
Iowa: Let’s take a R.I.D.E. will be three days of data assessment that everyone should plan on attending. During that time, the road trip will provide your team a R.I.D.E. that includes the following “sites”:
Reflect on data
Inspect the need
Develop the goal
Envision your plan
We always encourage your school to bring a team. This year, more than ever, you will find a team most helpful, but if you are the only one attending, we can still make it profitable for you. If you are interested in attending, talk with your administrators to see who else is interested in attending. You will enjoy data analysis of both Math and ELA on the same day. Then, the other two days will involve establishing the needs of both ELA and Math and the development of an action plan to strengthen those areas. A 30-minute informational webinar will be offered for each assessment to highlight the data you will need to have access to during the Institute and to clarify any questions you may have. If your schedule does not permit webinar attendance, then you may be emailed a recording of the session. Please sign up for the webinar as that becomes our mailing list for sending the recording. Register for webinar here.
Registration extended through May 29th!
- Eligible teachers get paid $25.00 an hour for attendance plus in-service points. Caps may be placed based on funding sources; therefore, register early. The district will let you know before the session if you are able to receive payment. (Webinar attendance is unpaid.)
If you have any questions regarding the content of the institute, please contact Christel Reaves at or call (561) 596-9039.