Thank you for visiting us during the Homecoming Reception. On this page, you’ll find information about our Learning Link product, designed to foster meaningful communication between teachers and parents.
What is Learning Link?
Brief videos that showcase engaging hands-on games and activities in math and literacy
Standards-based activities for K-8th grade classroom instruction that can be shared with families for at-home practice
Trackable, pre-scripted resources for fast implementation
Customizable learning activities to suit the individual needs of each student
The process is simplified: Watch, Play, and Forward!
Sample Learning Links:
Addition Madness: Ace addition facts with playing cards
Zero Hero: Have fun subtracting from zero using dice
Target Factor: Master multiplication facts with cards
Roll With Remainders: Learn how to divide with dice and understand remainders.
Proper Takeaway: Master the art of subtracting fractions using cards.
Decimal Dance: Have fun multiplying decimals with cards and dice.
Monkey in the Middle: Conquer order of operations with playing cards
Silly Snapchat: Boost fluency and comprehension in a creative way
Theme TV: Determine themes in a story
John Gieser (North Dakota Information Technology) and Jaci McCune, Ph.D. (Nevada DOE) were crowned Homecoming King and Queen! They each received a $50 gift card to Amazon! Thank you for stopping by our booth during the SETDA Homecoming Reception and participating in our Learning Link games!