Stop Whining and Just Read With Me Already! – FEBRUARY CHALLENGE

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Join us for the Stop Whining and Just Read with Me Already Reading Challenge!

Do you have students that need to develop their vocabulary, increase their reading fluency, and comprehend text better? Why not create a connection with the home environment to inspire nightly reading? Research says the single most important activity a parent can do to increase comprehension is reading with their child. Have fun inspiring nightly reading with your class by joining the Connected Class Stop Whining and just Read with Me Already Challenge!

This quick four-week challenge is simple to implement with the whole class.  To make it even more simple, we will be sending out the weekly Learning Link emails for you that teach the parents creative ways to read with their child each night! The parents will be asked to read with their child for 20 minutes, five times a week and sign off on a parent log each week. (We provide a reading log, but if you have one already you can use that one.)  See below for more details.

Registration Deadline January 29, 2025

Challenge Dates: February 3 – February 28, 2025

Target Participants: K-8 teachers with students who need to increase vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

Reward: Connected Class will hold a virtual drawing to select the winner of this challenge. (Only participating classes with a Connected Class membership may participate in the drawing.) One class will win books for their classroom library. If you have questions or need clarification on anything, please contact Connected Class at

Stop Whining and Just Read with Me Already! - FEBRUARY CHALLENGE

Engage students and families with creative and unique reading activities to help them establish a daily reading routine. This 4-week challenge will help students improve reading comprehension and vocabulary skills.

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